The People Behind Our Missions
The Skinner Family, having served as missionaries in Honduras, now direct FHK from the US office. They are Reed, Kim, Cassidy, Hannah, and Corban. Our missionaries in the Tolpan tribe are Herminio, supervisor of Mission Activities with missionaries Neto and Mauricio. Maria is our missionary over the Single Mother program in Nueva Suyapa. Our missionaries in Bolivia are Daniel and Gisella, and we have missionaries in the Middle East lead by Phil, but for security reasons we cannot give out additional information. Please join in praying for the whole team!
Our Ministries
FHK has two primary ministries in Honduras. One is for a group of single mothers in a suburb of Tegucigalpa called Nueva Suyapa. The other is a ministry to the Tolupan tribe of the San Juan region of La Montaña de la Flor. FHK’s Bolivian mission focuses on Arenales and the Yuracaré tribe of Puerto Victoria. And, of course there is our Middle Eastern mission as well!
Nature of Our Missions
We are a relationship-based mission, not a project-based one. Evangelism and discipleship in relationship among the people we serve is our focus. However, there are times when conduct projects or programs for these communities that we feel God is leading us to do. Some of these are:
- Tolpan Feeding Program
- Emergency and Critical Care Aid
- Pastor Training Programs
- Construction Projects for Native Church Partners or Newly Planted Churches
Our Missions
Remote Ministry
FHK’s Outreach to the Tolpan Tribe of La Montaña De La Flor
The Tolpan people (also called “Tolupan”) are located in the central highlands of Honduras, a country filled with poverty. They used to occupy the entire central portion of the country from the Caribbean down to the Nicaraguan border, but now only a handful remain.
The remaining population lives in the poorest areas of Honduras. They range from slightly to severely malnourished, with some dying each year from starvation. The areas they live in are difficult to reach, which is why many are still “unreached” by the gospel.
The route to the highlands is becoming more and more accessible. With the New Testament translation in 1996, a church in San Juan was firmly established. However, the outer, upper villages remain largely unevangelized.
Our Organization’s Contribution
Now that there is an established church in the San Juan village, we are focusing on the villages not yet reached. When the church’s pastor was called to another ministry, we took over pastoring the church.
When Crispin and Brenda left, FHK helped place a full-time pastor in the church in San Juan. Currently Leandro, accompanied by his wife Yohanna, having come from a native Honduran church in Siguatepeque, serve the village of San Juan as pastor. Please pray for them as they carry out such an important calling.

After the Transition
FHK is now back to using San Juan as a base to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the unreached villages and disciple the believers there. Aside from this, we maintain several programs during times of need that were started with the help of the late chief Sipriano. These include:
- Feeding Program During the Dry Season - We use Manna Pack© Rice Boxes from Feed My Starving Children
- Emergency and Critical Medical Aid
- The Tolupan Men’s Bible Study and Tool Group
- The San Juan Widows Program of Assistance
- Medical/Medicinal Supply to the San Juan Clinic
Additionally, we constructed several small, cinder-block buildings in San Juan to store our supplies. We also rebuilt the late chief's house, where widow Lidia currently lives. Chief Sipriano was very elderly, and he was the backbone of the movement toward Jesus in the mountain. The new chief, Tacho, continues this work.
Urban Ministries
FHK’s Outreach to a Single Mother Group of Nueva Suyapa
Nueva Suyapa
Nueva Suyapa is a suburb of the capital city of Tegucigalpa. It sits directly behind the largest Catholic basilica of Honduras.
Because of the location and current state of the country, drugs, gangs, prostitution, and violence are part of people's everyday life. Through all these, an inordinate number of mothers raise their children alone, either through the death of their spouse/partner or abandonment.
A Home for Single Mothers
Sticking true to our vision, we created a group for single mothers and their children in Nueva Suyapa. This is in partnership with our Honduran home church of Iglesia Brigadas de Amor Cristiano (IBAC).
The group is based out of a IBAC-run day-care center and was started by Esperanza, a pillar of faith and strong single mother—now grandmother, she is over 70 years old. We are blessed to walk alongside her, learn from her, and be a part of this ministry FOR HIS KINGDOM.

Ministry Basics
The family is the institution God put in place to take care of His children. That is why for the single mothers’ program, our goal is to help women keep their families together. First, we guide them in knowing Jesus and walking with Him, and then we help them become better mothers. We use the following methods:
- Monthly Fellowship and Spiritual Encouragement Meetings: The topics range from abuse to child-rearing—always based on the Word.
- In-Home Discipleship Visits: Here, we share God's Word and pray with them individually where they are.
- Weekly Prayer Meetings
There are other ancillary programs and projects for the mothers and their children that we conduct on an as-needed basis. These include after-school tutoring, small business training, food and medical aid, and boys' youth activities.
Middle East Ministry
FHK's mission in the Middle East

FHK has partnered with a legal native church of the region for our mission in the Middle East. The work involves witnessing the love of Jesus in all forms among the population. For security purposes, we cannot discuss these works in public. If you wish to support this mission, kindly contact Reed at [email protected].